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McMaster Academic Planner (亚洲天堂) - Faculty of Science

Chemistry and Chemical Biology


The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology is a vibrant place to study and conduct research in chemical sciences.

Its collaborative approach links research and teaching with other areas and disciplines on campus. Faculty members and facilities of international calibre make McMaster one of the best Chemistry and Chemical Biology departments in Canada.

The Department offers an inspiring learning environment by giving students hands-on access to experiential learning in laboratories using modern instrumentation and exceptional opportunities to join research teams.

Areas of Research

Materials Chemistry

This area uses chemistry to design new high-performance materials, optimize existing materials and develop new tools. Research focuses on both soft (biological and polymers) and hard materials.

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemists develop compounds that impact human life on a daily basis. Organic chemistry enables everything from therapeutic agents for disease treatment to the molecules that light up your OLED display.

Physical & Theoretical Chemistry

Physical chemistry bridges the gap between the theories and techniques of modern-day physics and our understanding of chemical systems.


Catalysis impacts a vast range of processes, from industry to enzymes. Understanding catalysis involves the study of how to make things go faster.


Materials and structures that are only a few atoms in diameter exhibit properties far different than the bulk of materials. Nanotechnology involves the study of such tiny particles.

Sustainable Chemistry

Improving our chemical footprint involves measuring/tracking products of chemical processes and better using and reusing waste materials as feedstocks for new product.

Level 2 Programs

Familiarize yourself with some of the Level 2 Programs offered by the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.


Virtually tour the following state-of-the-art labs and facilities associated with the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology.


Analytical X-Ray Diffraction Facility

A.N. Bourns Science Building


Biointerfaces Institute

Engineering Technology Building


Chemistry Lab

A.N. Bourns Science Building

Virtual 360 Video